Hi, I'm Nikki
Twenty-seven years ago, I began my journey from being a hairdresser at a high-end, US-based company, into the beauty world where I found my passion and forte to heal and inspire. I embraced the holistic and healing side of massage and complimentary therapy, after which every door seemed to open up to me.
I’m a big believer of giving back when you receive good things, and after setting up my business, I had the honour of spending voluntary time at a local Hospice; adapting treatments to ease the pain of patients there.
That was just the beginning!

I went on to work and train with top make-up artists from YSL, and went on to become a make-up artist for the Miss England heats and the MTV Awards held in Liverpool in 2008.
On the holistic side, I have had the benefit of being mentored by an excellent physiotherapist who took my massaging skills to a higher level.
I then went on to work with a GP who tutored me in back manipulation from a medical perspective.
As the business grew, I began to specialise in skincare and became a brand ambassador for a Swiss facial company. I have now moved onto the aesthetic side of skincare, offering results driven treatments, with amazing game changing products.
With the will to inspire and educate I achieved my Cert Ed in Teaching and my Assessors qualification, along with a degree equivalent which enables me to teach in colleges and salons.
I have been a trainer for many professional branded companies including Leighton denny Expert Nails and Sudo tan. This was such fun especially headlining for beauty shows.
Ayurvedic therapy grabbed my attention after seeing a client flourish in health, after returning from a retreat. Learning with the incredible Dr Deepa Apte equipped and armed me with so much knowledge. I became a consultant in her developing Spa Ayurveda Pura in Greenwich London. This has been so successful it has won awards.
I have worked in 5-star spa environments where training is to the best of standards, and have had technique training from many amazing companies within this spa role.
Some incredibly talented people have helped bring me to the level of expertise I have today in Reiki healing, herbal medicine and many other skills. With all the holistic experience I have had I have developed my own powerful signature healing combinations of therapy to balance health, mind and body.
Living in Essex I work within a beautiful clinic and the surrounding areas, plus I still having a client base in Buckinghamshire and in Southport and Formby,
I am now perfectly placed to inspire my own students whilst providing the very best salon and spa treatments. I educate students with my own accredited beauty and holistic courses, handwritten and developed by myself. A-listers academy is proving itself to be a great success.